US Digital EC35 Compatibility Guide for Renco R35i Encoder

Part Number Comparison

Renco Part Number
R35i -
Shaft Diameter
Index Pulse
Mounting Enclosure
US Digital Part Number
EC35 -
xxxx Resolution
x Commutation
xxx Shaft Diameter
x Index Pulse
x Outputs
x Mounting Enclosure
Resolution (CPR) - Resolutions in BOLD are Renco Standard resolutions
  Renco US Digital Description
100 N/A 100
200 N/A 200
250 N/A 250
256 N/A 256
360 N/A 360
400 N/A 400
500 500 500
512 N/A 512
625 N/A 625
720 N/A 720
800 N/A 800
1000 1000 1000
1024 N/A 1024
1250 N/A 1250
2000 2000 2000
2048 N/A 2048
2500 2500 2500
4000 4000 4000
4096 N/A 4096
5000 N/A 5000
8000 N/A 8000
8192 N/A 8192
10000 10000 10000
N/A 20000 - 60000 20000 - 60000
  Renco US Digital Description
0 0 0 Motor Poles
2 4 4 Motor Poles
3 6 6 Motor Poles
4 8 8 Motor Poles
Shaft Diameter
  Renco US Digital Description
5mm 197 5mm
6mm 236 6mm
1/4in 250 1/4in
8mm 315 8mm
3/8in 375 3/8in
Outputs A/B/I and U/V/W
  Renco US Digital Description
LD/LD D LD/LD(Line Driver) Differential A+, A-, B+, B-, (I+, I-) Differential U+, U-, V+, V-, W+, W-
LD/VO C LD/LD(Line Driver) Differential A+, A-, B+, B-, (I+, I-) Open Collector U+, V+, W+
  Renco US Digital Description
5/0 Default 5VDC ±10% Single Supply
5/5 N/A 5VDC ±10% Double Supply
Index Pulse Output - Gating options in BOLD are Renco standard options
  Renco US Digital Description
1 H Gated with A & B 90° ± 45°
6 L Gated with A- & B- 90° ± 45°
7 N/A Centered on A & B 270° ± 45°
8 N/A Centered on A- & B- 270° ± 45°
  Renco US Digital Description
A N/A Axial
R Default Radial
Mounting and Enclosure Options
  Renco US Digital Description
C D* 1.28" Bolt Circle Closed Cover
H D* 1.28" Bolt Circle Cover w/Hole
C4 G* 1.812" Bolt Circle Closed Cover
H4 G* 1.812" Bolt Circle Cover w/Hole
CR N/A Resolver Mounting Closed Cover
HR N/A Resolver Mounting Cover w/Hole

Note: Each US Digital EC35 Encoder is packaged with an adhesive cover to seal the top of the encoder if so desired.

* Each encoder also comes with two screws. Add an M if metric is desired (ie. D becomes DM).

     Published in Compatibility Guides