The T7 software allows the user to explore various features of the T7. The software and drivers have been designed and tested to only work on Windows 10 and 11.
US Digital Device Explorer
This download includes the US Digital Device Explorer which utilizes the .Net US Digital Device Library to scan for US Digital devices and display device specific configuration and status panels. US Digital devices are added...
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(Version: 1.58.12 1/15/2024)
US Digital Device Explorer zip (READ ME file)
This download includes the US Digital Device Explorer which utilizes the .Net US Digital Device Library to scan for US Digital devices and display device specific configuration and status panels. US Digital devices are added to and removed from the US Digital Device Explorer by listening to plug-and-play events.
The US Digital Device Library provides a framework to communicate with A2, QSB, and T7 devices.
- The QSB demos included in this setup are written to communicate at the default baud rate of 230400 bps. If a different baud rate is required, use the US Digital Device Explorer to change the device's baud rate.
- The latest release of the US Digital Device Explorer setup now includes the latest release of the FTDI drivers (
- Use the Add or remove programs settings option to un-install any previously installed version of US Digital Device Explorer prior to running this installer.
The following items are also included in the download:
- USDDeviceExplorer.exe: The US Digital Device Explorer Application version
- Documentation includes: QSB Application Examples.pdf, QSB Commands List.pdf, USDigitalLibraryHelp.chm, SEI Absolute Encoder Communication Protocol.pdf, and SEI_Serial_Encoder_Interface_Bus.pdf
- A2HelloWorldVB2010 - This demo provides a simple VB2010 form application that demonstrates how to open a single A2 device object and listen to count change events. The demo allows the user to select a COM port and address, connect or disconnect, and reset encoder count.
- A2Read - The A2Read example is a CSharp command line example that displays one or more A2 encoder counts depending on the device addresses supplied as command line parameters.
- A2ReadMultipleVB2010 - This demo provides the ability to view multiple A2 devices, enter a description and scale factor for each device, and log sample data to a file.
- A2SimpleConnect - CSharp form example that displays a list of available COM ports. Allows a user to select a COM port and connect to an A2 device. Displays product and version information along with the current encoder count.
- CPRQuickCheckForQSB - C# demo that displays the number of counts between index. This demo can be used to verify the counts per revolution (CPR) of an encoder.
- QSBCommandDemo - simple example that allows a user to connect to a device and issue read or write commands and view the response.
- QSBCommandLine - a C# Commandline demo that displays the current count upon startup. When bit 2 transitions from low to high the counter value will be captured and displayed.
- QSBCPPDemo - simple C++ console application that connects to a device and reads and displays the QSB counter value. The COMx port must be passed in as a command line parameter.
- QSBDisplayCountVBdotNet - VB.Net form example that displays a single dial showing the encoder count. Uses the DeviceManger to automatically find that attached device.
- QSBDLLTester - A VB6 demo that provides a simple user interface that communicates with a QSB using the QSBUser.dll C library. The QSBUser.h, QSBUser.lib, and QSBUser.dll are included in this demo and can be referenced by other development environments that can make calls to a C DLL.
- QSBExcel - This demo utilizes VBA and the QSBUser.dll to connect and read a QSB device from a macro enabled Microsoft Excel file.
- QSBHelloWorld - C# command line example that displays the encoder count. Uses the Device Manger to automatically find that attached device.
- QSBMeasureCPR - C# example that reads encoder counts and translates count to a distance in feet.
- QSBMeasureTheDistance - C# example that reads encoder counts and translates count to a distance in feet.
- QSBReadMultipleVB2010 - VB.Net example that captures the encoder count values from multiple QSB devices and logs the collected samples to a file.
- QSBSampleCSharp - C# form example that displays a single dial showing the encoder count. Uses the DeviceManger to automatically find that attached device.
- QSBSampleVBdotNet - VB.Net form example that displays a single dial showing the encoder count. Uses the DeviceManger to automatically find that attached device.
- QSBSaveCountExcel - a C# demo that displays the count for multiple QSB devices and has the ability to log samples to an MS Excel spreadsheet.
- QSBSimpleConnect - C# form example that displays a list of available COM ports. Allows a user to select a COM port and connect to a QSB device. Displays product and version information and displays the encoder count.
- QSBVelocityAndAcceleration - C# example that reads encoder counts and calculates speed and velocity.
- T7HelloWorldConsole - C# command line demo that demonstrates how to connect to T7 devices in Standard communications mode and displays the device information for each device found.

US Digital Device Explorer zip
File Name:
File Size: 14.55 Mb
OS Support: WINDOWS 10 | 64 BIT | 32 BIT | WINDOWS 11
Version: 1.58.12 (1/15/2024)
By clicking "Download", you agree to US Digital's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy .
Important note:
Use the Add or Remove Programs settings option to un-install any previously installed version of US Digital Device Explorer prior to running this installer.
T7 Demo
The T7 Demo provides an easy to use interface that displays current T7 configuration, real-time position angles, and allows a user to change basic operational parameters such as damping, angle output range, and baud rate. The...
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(Version: 1.30 3/1/2018)
T7 Demo zip (READ ME file)
The T7 Demo provides an easy to use interface that displays current T7 configuration, real-time position angles, and allows a user to change basic operational parameters such as damping, angle output range, and baud rate.
The installed software also includes a library of user functions and source code examples in Visual Basic and C/C++.
The following software components are all found in the T7Setup.msi (version 1.30.0)
T7FirmwareUpdater.exe 1.12.0
(VB Examples)
(VC6 Examples)
Documentation included:
T7 Communication User Guide.pdf
T7 DLL User Guide.pdf

T7 Demo zip
File Name:
File Size: 25.23 Mb
OS Support: 32 BIT | 64 BIT | WINDOWS 10 | WINDOWS 11
Version: 1.30 (3/1/2018)
By clicking "Download", you agree to US Digital's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy .
T7 LabView 2009 Demo
Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. For more information, please visit The T7 LabView 2009 Demo displays the angle of the attached T7 device and enables the...
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(Version: 1.1 7/25/2011)
T7 LabView 2009 Demo zip (READ ME file)
Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. For more information, please visit
The T7 LabView 2009 Demo displays the angle of the attached T7 device and enables the user to change basic operational parameters such as damping, angle output range, and direction.

T7 LabView 2009 Demo zip
File Name:
File Size: 266 Kb
OS Support: 32 BIT | 64 BIT | WINDOWS 10 | WINDOWS 11
Version: 1.1 (7/25/2011)
By clicking "Download", you agree to US Digital's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy .
T7 LabView 8.6 Drivers
Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. For more information, please visit The T7 LabView 8.6 Library provides a set of VI's that wrap each of the T7User.dll...
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(Version: 7/13/2020)
T7 LabView 8.6 Drivers zip (READ ME file)
Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. For more information, please visit
The T7 LabView 8.6 Library provides a set of VI's that wrap each of the T7User.dll functions.
T7 LabView 8.6 Drivers zip
File Name:
File Size: 176 Kb
OS Support: 64 BIT | 32 BIT | WINDOWS 10 | WINDOWS 11
Version: (7/13/2020)
By clicking "Download", you agree to US Digital's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy .